
Your LPRA has sought, over a number of years, to get measurable action from East Malling & Larkfield Parish Council, TMBC & KCC regarding the ongoing traffic issues that blight our neighbourhood, understanding that the Parish Council & Borough Councillors are elected by us, funded by us, and therefore are answerable to us.

Time never stands still, and the problems persist.

Accordingly, the LPRA escalated our concerns through (former) MP Tracey Crouch, and now the newly elected Labour MP for our area, Tris Osborne. This resulted in a pan-stakeholder meeting with KCC’s Demi Richards, KCC’s Development Agreements Project Manager Natalie Peach, EM&L Parish Council Officers David Thornewell and Val Severn as well as representatives from Leybourne Park and the Lakes development today.

The main issues raised were –

a) Traffic levels and speeds on New Hythe Lane and the lack of safe pedestrian crossing areas for the many people now utilising the train station (and the associated walking route), and those families wishing to safely cross the busy roads in order to visit and enjoy the Leybourne Lakes Country Park.

b) The failed promise of installation of a pedestrian crossing at New Hythe Lane (a dropped kerb was installed without any form of pedestrian crossing).

c) The lack of vegetation maintenance on the various roundabouts that surround our estate, and the corresponding risk to pedestrians.

d) The use of Papyrus Way / College Road by HGVs to enter the Panattoni estate, in violation of the agreement made on planning proposals to limit this access road to LGVs and cars.

e) The lack of bus services in our community was also discussed.

The following has been agreed.

1) LPRA to have an input into a review of the Highway Improvement Plan (which is the document that recommends changes / identifies issues on roadways), with a view to –

2) Relocating the existing bus-stops on New Hythe Lane to a more suitable location, allowing for an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing to be installed allowing for safe crossing of this busy road

3) Assessment of installation (if appropriate funding is secured) of speed control measures on New Hythe Lane

4) Review and confirmation that road signage directing HGVs to Panattoni’s development to be installed alongside installation (by Panattoni) of ANPR cameras on College Road to control unauthorised vehicular access to their estate by HGVs.

KCC have requested a further meeting with the LPRA to discuss these concerns in detail which is a positive sign that our concerns are being heard.

Whilst it’s regrettable that some Parish Council officers appear keen to expend energy publically criticising the work of volunteers on the LPRA, rather than working to resolve local issues, we note the ongoing efforts of Parish Councillor David Thornewell acting as the sole Parish Council conduit for any such progress.

Your Residents Association will continue unabated, pushing to increase the safety of our community, regardless of any criticism. After all, it’s our estate, our neighbourhood, our lives isn’t it?

That said, it shouldn’t all be down to volunteers on the Leybourne Park Residents Association in carrying out the work of elected officials that we all (on this estate) contribute over £30,000 per annum towards, so we will hold the Parish Council and all other levels of government to account until all options are exhausted.

The LPRA will continue to escalate, to push, and to seek answers from those elected officials that are answerable to our community – with the aim of making our neighbourhood a safer place to live.


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