
Leybourne Park Residents Association have been pushing key stakeholders including business neighbours Panattoni, KCC as well as the Parish Council to improve traffic levels in the immediate vicinity of our estate.

This has focused, in part, on HGVs utilising Papyrus Way and College Road to enter the new business estate. This is in contravention to the planning consent which determined that Bellingham Way should be the main access road for such vehicles, with Papyrus Way / College accessible to cars and LGVs only.

Panattoni confirmed this week to the LPRA, a project to install ANPR cameras along the section of road that leads to the entrance to their estate to police contraventions by tenants and their suppliers, with financial penalties being issued for violations.

There is a secondary project to improve road signage for HGVs directing them to utilise the main authorised entrance to the estate which currently is with KCC awaiting final approval.

The ongoing efforts of your Residents Association pushing for improvements to our environs has been a major contributory factor in these projects being initiated.

We continue to call upon the Parish Council, as the lowest level of government in our community, alongside TMBC and KCC to do more to improve the serious traffic levels that blight our community.

It shouldn’t be down to local residents to do all the heavy lifting.


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